Two-digit targets
You have a set of the digits from 0 to 9. Can you arrange these in the five boxes to make two-digit numbers as close to the targets as possible?
Largest even
How would you create the largest possible two-digit even number from the digit I've given you and one of your choice?
That number square
Exploring the structure of a number square: how quickly can you put the number tiles in the right place on the grid?
Five steps to 50
Use five steps to count forwards or backwards in 1s or 10s to get to 50. What strategies did you use?
6 beads
If you put three beads onto a tens/ones abacus you can make the numbers 3, 30, 12 or 21. What numbers can be made with six beads?
More lower primary number sense and place value activities
More activities which will help you get a better of sense of numbers and understand what we mean by place value.