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Engaging Mathematics for all Learners

This project was funded by QCA (the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority). In describing the rationale for the project the QCA said:

"In developing the new secondary curriculum with its aims of: successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens, the mathematics programmes of study have undergone significant changes. These were informed by the Smith report (2004) 'Making mathematics count' and research that suggested that a curriculum which focuses on developing process skills is more likely to develop positive attitudes towards learning."

The nine schools involved in this project were all keen to develop a curriculum that would nurture confident, resourceful and enthusiastic learners. With this in mind, we collaborated with them to create case studies which reflected the journeys they made as they integrated NRICH tasks from our Secondary Curriculum Mapping Documents into their everyday classroom practice. 

Our work with the schools informed the QCA publication Mathematics for all learners and the NRICH articles on Teachers' Experiences of Using NRICH

Teachers in the project also contributed to the final workshop in our Teacher Inspiration Days series.