Whether you are visiting NRICH for the first time or you are one of our regular users, this page outlines how the NRICH team are working to support rich mathematical learning opportunities for everyone during this period of disruption.
NRICH welcomes millions of users every year to share our free, online mathematical activities for learners aged 3-19. We have a huge bank of award-winning resources, ideal for children and students to work on independently while schools are closed, and for teachers to use when teaching remotely. We have created some collections of our best resources for independent learning to share with you, which you can explore below. (Scroll down further and you'll also find some guidance for parents and carers.)

Primary games and puzzles for summer 2021

Secondary games and puzzles for summer 2021

Advent calendar 2021 - primary
Our 2021 Primary Advent calendar contains twenty-four tasks for the run-up to Christmas.

Advent calendar 2021 - secondary
Teachers, parents and carers might also find the resources below useful, which offer guidance on how to work together with children on mathematical games and activities at home. We also encourage anyone with a Twitter account to join the conversation using the #nrichmathsAtHome hashtag.

Maths at home