Are you ready for a challenge? The tasks in this feature are designed to challenge your mathematical thinking!

These caterpillars have 16 parts. What different shapes do they make if each part lies in the small squares of a 4 by 4 square?

Find the difference
Place the numbers 1 to 6 in the circles so that each number is the difference between the two numbers just below it.

Inside triangles
How many different triangles can you draw which each have one dot in the middle?

Ladybird box
Place six toy ladybirds into the box so that there are two ladybirds in every column and every row.

I'm stuck!
Being stuck is usually thought of as being a negative state of
affairs. We want our pupils to succeed, not to struggle. Or do we?
This article discusses why being stuck can be fruitful.

Learning from other people's starting points
In this feature, you can see how some children started each task, but this isn't because we want to give away the solutions!

Maths explorers
Are you a maths detective? Choose a task and use your mathematical skills to solve the problem.