The box game
In this game, children will use their addition and subtraction skills to keep track of the number of toys hidden inside a box when toys are added in or taken out.

Two halves
This task provides children with the opportunity to investigate halving different shapes and check that they have made two halves.

This dice activity encourages children to relate the number on the dice to the number of teddies they need to choose.

Incey Wincey
In this game, children roll the dice and count how many steps to move the spider up or down the drainpipe.

Maths story time
This story provides an engaging context for children to share out the treasure fairly among the characters.

Number rhymes
In this activity, the rhyme 'Ten Green Bottles' is used to encourage children to count backwards to work out how many bottles are left.

Shopping - pirate poundland
In the pirate pound shop, children can practise their counting skills by choosing ten items to spend their ten pounds on.

When tidying away toys in this activity, children will use their counting skills to check that all the toys are in the box.

Show me
In this task, children will learn different ways of representing the same number.

Owl's packing list
In this activity, children can practise reading numbers and counting items in order to help Owl pack for his holiday.

Double trouble
This story about some troublesome dogs encourages children to find and model doubles of different numbers.

Number book
Creating a 'Book of Four' provides an opportunity for children to collect groups of four objects and consider how the groups of objects are similar.

Golden beans
This task provides children with an opportunity to count 'golden beans' and find a number card to represent how many they have.

Using books: Maisy Goes Camping
In this task, the book 'Maisy Goes Camping' by Lucy Cousins introduces children to the idea of using the size and number of objects to work out how many will fit in a 'tent'.

Estimation station
This activity involves filling a jar with small objects to encourage estimation and counting skills.

Using books: The Doorbell Rang
In this activity, the book 'The Doorbell Rang' by Pat Hutchins provides an engaging context in which children can explore sharing.

The voting station
This task encourages children to count and compare numbers when using 'voting bricks' to vote for a book at story time.

Hidden jewels
In this 'hide and reveal' game, children are encouraged to say the number of gems without counting them.

Number talks
In this task, children have the opportunity to talk about what they see when they look at a number representation.

This activity encourages children to practise their sharing and counting skills by putting small objects into some baskets.

Counting collections
In this activity, children choose collections of items to count and are supported as they find ways to keep track of, and record, their counting.