Charlie's delightful machine

Here is a machine with four coloured lights. Can you develop a strategy to work out the rules controlling each light?

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


You may wish to look at Shifting Times Tables before trying this problem.

Charlie's Delightful Machine has four coloured lights. Each light is controlled by a rule.

If you choose a number that satisfies the rule, the light will go on.

Some numbers may turn on more than one light!

Type in some numbers and see which lights you can switch on.

Can you work out how to switch the lights on?


Once you have a strategy, challenge yourself to find some three-digit positive numbers that turn on each light. How about some three-digit negative numbers?

How about a four-digit positive number and a four-digit negative number?

Once you are confident that you can work out the rules for the lights, have a go at A Little Light Thinking, where you can explore how to turn on several lights at once.

You may also be interested in the other problems in our Cracking Codes Feature.