For an introduction to these resources, you may like to watch the recording of our teacher webinar
This collection of resources explores ways in which mathematics can help to improve our understanding of the spread of diseases in our communities. The classroom activities included in this collection vary from small group activities to those which can be done by the whole class together, and most include an interactive activity which encourages learners to explore changes to their modelling assumptions.
Students are introduced to mathematical modelling, and asked to consider the strengths and weaknesses of different models, and the importance of carefully interpreting mathematical results. They are encouraged to explore more sophisticated models and consider the possible impact our everyday behaviour has on the transmission of infectious diseases.
Short video clips feature Professor Julia Gog OBE, a Professor of Mathematical Biology at the University of Cambridge, who uses mathematics to better understand how diseases spread through our population. In the clip below, Julia talks about her job as a Mathematical Modeller.
The resources fall into four parts, and a concluding section. They are designed to be used in a sequence of lessons - here is a lesson by lesson breakdown. Detailed "Teachers' Resources" are provided for each part, showing how each part builds on the previous one.
Part 1: Build your first model
Part 2: Lucky Dip
Part 3: Everybody is different
Part 4: Get moving!
Wrap up and meet the researchers
These Contagious Maths resources were developed and written by Julia Gog and the MMP team, including both NRICH and Plus, and funded by the Royal Society’s Rosalind Franklin Award 2020. We have tailored these resources for ages 11-14 on NRICH, and for older students and wider audiences on Plus.