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Research articles


Title:  Holywell Primary School and NRICH Action Research Project

Author:  Dilnaz Baria

This project formed part of the MaST course.

Title: "Mathematical problem solving is boring": A study into the motivational impact of NRICH problem solving materials within the primary classroom

Author: Jayne Callard

This is the written report of a school-based enquiry which formed part of a Masters of Education at the University of Exeter, 2009.

Title: The Nature of Mathematics Enrichment
Author: Jennifer Piggott
Published: Educate, IOE London. Vol 7, No 2. (2007)

Title:ENRICHing Mathematics: Reflections On Building A Learning Community
Authors: Cathy Smith and Jennifer Piggott
Published: Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal No. 22 (November 2007),

Title: Spaces to discuss mathematics: communities of practice on an online discussion board
Authors: Jenni Back and Nick Pratt
Published: Paper presented at The 2nd Socio-cultural Theory in Educational Research and Practice Conference: Theory, Identity and Learning at Manchester University on 10th/11th September 07.

Title: Generating Curiosity in Mathematics Learning
Author: Charlie Gilderdale
Published: Council of Boards of School Education in India conference: Addressing Core Issues in Science and Mathematics (April 2007)

Title: Assessing Promising Mathematicians Using On-screen Technologies

Authors: Hughes S, Gilderdale C, Piggott J S

Published: Conference Proceedings CAL '03 '21st Century Learning' (2003)

Title: eNRICH mathematics: Project evaluation
Author: C Smith
October 2007
Title: Aprendizaje Colaborativo en el Contexto de Matematicas e Internet: La Esencia Interactiva

Author: Charlie Gilderdale

Published: Usos Matematicos de Internet , Spanish Ministry of Education (2005)

Ttle: Examining the role and nature of mediation (through concept maps) that 'steps' pupils into problem solving

Authors: Project Team: Jennifer Piggott, Jennifer Green, Liz Pumfrey

Interim report (2006)

Link (Web Page): Concept maps

Title: An investigation into the nature of mathematical enrichment: a case study of implementation
Author: Jennifer Piggott
Published: Thesis - Institute of Education, London (2005)

Title: Conceptions of Enrichment

Author: Wai Yi Feng

Presented at CamERA (Cambridge Educational Research Association) Conference, Cambridge, April 2005

Title: Mathematics Enrichment: what is it and who is it for?

Author: J.S Piggott

Published: BERA annual conference in Manchester, September 2004

Title: Developing a framework for mathematical thinking .

Author: J.S Piggott

Published: Conference Proceedings, 2004, "Critical Thinking" University of the West Indies

Title: A problem is only a problem when you can't do it
Authors: Jennifer Piggott and Jenni Back
Published: Primary Mathematics, Autumn 04, Mathematical Association, Leicester

Title: Exploring the challenge of online mediation

Authors: Jenni Back, Charlie Gilderdale and Jennifer Piggott


Title: Enrichment at NRICH
Authors: Jennifer Piggott and Jenni Back
Published: Primary Mathematics, Spring 04, Mathematical Association, Leicester.

Title: Enriching Patterns
Authors: Jennifer Piggott and Jenni Back
Published: Primary Mathematics, Summer 04, Mathematical Association, Leicester

Title: What does it mean to "Use the Interactive Whiteboard" in the daily numeracy lesson?
Authors: Penny Knight, Jennie Pennant and Jennifer Piggott
Published: Micromath, Vol 20, No 2. ATM

Title: Using non-standard problems to challenge pre-conceptions: can they extend knowledge?

Authors: Jenni Back, Jennifer Piggott and Liz Pumfrey.

Published:Conference Proceedings, 2003, International Symposium Elementary Maths Teaching, Charles University,Prague.

Title: Using non-standard problems to challenge pre-conceptions and extend knowledge
Authors: Back J, Pumfrey L, Piggott J
Published: Conference Proceedings SEMT (2003).