Tower Hamlets Leadership for Learning Project 2016-17
This page outlines the content and discussions from the six-day Leadership for Learning Project in Tower Hamlets.

Felixstowe schools mathematics transition project
Resources to accompany NRICH's workshops with Primary and Secondary teachers involved in the Felixstowe Transition Project, which began in September 2017.

Tower Hamlets Leadership for Learning Project 2017-18
This page outlines the content and discussions from the six-day Leadership for Learning Project in Tower Hamlets 2017-18.

Haringey Leadership for Learning Project 2015-16
Find out about the primary maths Leadership project that NRICH is running in Haringey during the academic year 2015-16.

Haringey 2014-2015

NRICHing mathematics in Haringey
This article for teachers describes a joint project in 2007/8 with Haringey Local Authority and NRICH to support improving using and applying mathematics, reasoning and creativity.

Online continuing professional development support utilising rich mathematical tasks

CPD support using rich mathematical tasks
Liz Woodham describes a project which took place in 2007-9 working with three primary schools. It aimed to improve mathematics teaching and learning, and to trial and refine an online professional development resource.