It's useful to be able to recognise similar structures or patterns across different activities. These tasks encourage children to do that, and consolidate their understanding at the same time.

Number squares
Start with four numbers at the corners of a square and put the
total of two corners in the middle of that side. Keep going... Can
you estimate what the size of the last four numbers will be?

The tomato and the bean
At the beginning of May, Tom put his tomato plant outside. On the same day he sowed a bean in another pot. When will the two be the same height?

Lots of lollies
Frances and Rishi were given a bag of lollies. They shared them out evenly and had one left over. How many lollies could there have been in the bag?

Use your mouse to move the red and green parts of this disc. Can you make images which show the turnings described?

Mobile numbers
In this investigation, you are challenged to make mobile phone
numbers which are easy to remember. What happens if you make a
sequence adding 2 each time?

Our numbers
These spinners will give you the tens and unit digits of a number. Can you choose sets of numbers to collect so that you spin six numbers belonging to your sets in as few spins as possible?

The add and take-away path
Two children made up a game as they walked along the garden paths. Can you find out their scores? Can you find some paths of your own?