Universal time, mass, length
The laws of physics involve certain fundamental constants of nature.
The key constants which the universe knows about are:
Name | Symbol | Value |
Newton's gravitational constant | $G$ | $6.674 \times 10^{-8} \textrm{cm}^3\,\textrm{g}^{-1}\,\textrm{}s^{-2}$ |
The speed of light | $c$ | $2.998 \times 10^{10} \,\textrm{cm}\,\textrm{s}^{-1}$ |
Planck's constant | $h$ | $1.054\times 10^{-27} \,\textrm{g} \,\textrm{cm}^2\,s^{-1}$ |
Boltzmann's constant | $k$ | $1.38 \times 10^{-23} \,\textrm{J}\,\textrm{K}^{-1}$ |
What values would these constants have taken in the days of the British Empire, when units of feet (ft) for length, pounds (lb) for weight, calories (cal) for heat and degrees Fahrenheit (F) for temperature, were used?
You may use these conversions:
- $1\,\textrm{cal} = 4.184\,\textrm{J}$
- $2.2\, \textrm{lb} = 1\, \textrm{kg}$
- $1\, \textrm{ft} = 30.48\, \textrm{cm}$
- Change of $1\, \textrm{K}$ = Change of $1.8\, \textrm{degrees F}$
What units would you need to choose so that the first three constants take the value 1?
These are the natural length, mass and time scales for the universe.
Whilst the choice of units in most problems is arbitrary, and therefore might seem largely irrelevant, it is important to note that independence of physics on units is actually highly significant and leads to the concept of scale invariance and the powerful tool of dimensional analysis.
Mathematically, the concepts of scale invariance are modelled by fractals on which the details of a system appear qualitatively the same at any order of magnification.
Scale invariant systems have interesting statistical properties. This is explored in the problem Scale Invariance
Getting Started
When changing units we just need to multiply or divide by a scaling factor. You can use common sense to decide whether to multiply or divide.
Student Solutions
We have had two very impressive, and beautifully presented, solutions to this problems, from Laura , from The Henrietta Barnett School and Steven , from City of Sunderland
We need the values of $1\,\textrm{cm}$, $1\,\textrm{s}$, $1\, \textrm{J}$ and $1\, \textrm{K}$ in terms of imperial units. These are
These values can now be substituted into the numerical expressions for $G, h, c, k$. For Newton's constant we have
In a similar way, we can find that
For the second part of the problem, Steven noted the following
In a system of units where $G, c, h, k$ are numerically equal to 1, let $L, M, T$ be the units of length, mass and time respectively, so that
We now need to solve for $M, L, T$ in terms of $c, G, h$
After some rearranging, Steven found out that
Putting in the numerical values given in the question yielded
Steven finally concluded with a clever extension in which he found a natural temperature scale for the universe as follows:
From the equation Work = Force $\times$ Distance it can be seen that $J = \textrm{Nm}$, and from the equation Force = Mass $\times$ Acceleration we have that $\textrm{N} = \textrm{kg}\, \textrm{m}\, \textrm{s}^{-2}$. So, the units of the Bolzmann constant are $\textrm{kg}\,\textrm{m}^2\textrm{s}^{-2}\textrm{K}^{-1}$.
So, as before, supposing the $\theta$ is the natural temperature scale for the universe.
Solving as before gives
The Boltzmann constant must be converted to have the same units as the other constants before evaluating this result. Putting in the numbers gives
We can now substitute this value into the expression for $\theta$ to give
Teachers' Resources
Why do this problem?
This problem places units in an interesting context which can lead on to other problems. It requires relatively little technical skill, allowing students to focus solely on the process of changing units.Possible approach
Discuss the problem as a class. Is everyone familiar with each of the units mentioned? Throughout, encourage numerical order of magnitude checks of the answers.Key questions
- Before changing units, do you expect the answer to be numerically larger or smaller after the change?
- Relative to the natural scales of the universe are we small, heavy, slow?