Knight defeated
The knight's move on a chess board is 2 steps in one direction and one step in the other direction. Prove that a knight cannot visit every square on the board once and only (a tour) on a 2 by n board for any value of n. How many ways can a knight do this on a 3 by 4 board?
You do not need to be able to play chess to solve this problem.
The standard move for a knight on a chess board is $2$ steps in one direction and one step in the other direction. A knight's tour is a sequence of moves in which the knight visits every square on the board once and only once and a circuit is a tour in which the knight returns to the starting point.
Prove that a knight cannot make a tour on a $2$ by $n$ board for any value of $n$.
How many different tours can you find on a $3$ by $4$ rectangular board?

Prove that a knight cannot make a circuit on a $3$ by $4$ rectangular board.
Getting Started
For the $2$ by $n$ board, if there is a tour then it must pass through the corner square. Is this possible?
It might help to think of the squares as vertices of a graph. Then there is an edge joining two vertices if and only if there is a knight's move between the corresponding squares.
Eight of the vertices are of degree two (only one path in and one out of that square). To construct a tour you are forced to visit these vertices in a particular order.
Student Solutions
Christina sent us her solution:
A knight can't make a tour on a $2\times n$ board, for any $n$, because it must go into and out of a corner square, and it can't do this without going back on itself.
On the $3\times 4$ grid, we must use a path from the loop JAGIBHJ and a path from the loop KDFLCEK. But they only link up between J and C, and between B and K. So the path must start at a neighbour of J, B, K or C, follow round that loop, switch to the other loop and follow round that. Obviously the path can go round the loop in either direction. So there are $16$ possible tours:
Since it's not possible to get from the finish directly back to the start in any of these tours, there is no circuit.