Big, bigger, biggest
Which is the biggest and which the smallest of $2000^{2002}, 2001^{2001} \text{and } 2002^{2000}$?
Which is the biggest and which the smallest of these numbers?
How do they compare in magnitude?
Student Solutions
Which is the biggest and which the smallest of these numbers and how do they compare in magnitude?
This solution comes from Ilham, St. Patrick's College, Wellington, well done and thank you Ilham.
First let's define the function floor($x$), where $x$ is a real number, such that floor($x$) = the integer part of $x$.
As a general rule, y will be the number of digits of $x$ in base $a$. If we reverse this, we can say that $x$ is somewhere between $a ^ y$ and $a^{y + 1}$.
Another basic rule is $\log_a (b^c) = c\log_a (b)$. If we don't use this rule, the calculation cannot be handled using any standard scientific calculators, as they can't handle calculation with numbers greater than $10^{100}$.
If we use these two rules to $A$, $B$ and $C$ in base $10$, it will show that $A$ has $6609$ digits, $B$ has $6606$ digits, and $C$ has $6603$ digits in base 10.
Therefore, $A$ is bigger than $B$ which in turn is bigger than $C$. $A$ is the biggest, and $C$ is the smallest.
A similar solution uses the fact that the logarithm function is an increasing function so it follows that
The approximate difference is given by : $\log A - \log B = \log A/B \approx 3$, hence $A\approx 10^3B$. Similarly $B\approx 10^3C$. Thus $A > B > C.$
Here is Koopa Koo's more general result.
Claim: $A > B > C$
Proof: $A > B$ if and only if $\log A > \log B.$
I shall prove $\log A - \log B > 0$ i.e. $2002\log2000 - 2001\log2001 > 0.$
Let $f(x) = (x + 2)\log x - (x+1)\log(x+1)$ so that for example f(2) = 4log2 - 3log3.
Differentiating this function,
This derivative is positive if and only if $e^{2/x}> (x+1)/x.$
Using $e^y > 1 + y$ for all $y$, let $y = 2/x$.
We have $e^{2/x}> 1 + 2/x = (x + 2)/x > (x + 1)/x$.
So the function f is increasing, in particular, $f(2000) = \log A - \log B > 0$ and it follows that $A > B$.
The proof that $B > C$ is similar.