Diophantine n-tuples

Can you explain why a sequence of operations always gives you perfect squares?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Take any whole number $q$. Calculate $ q^2 - 1$. Factorize $ q^2 - 1 $ to give two factors $ a$ and $ b$ (not necessarily $ q+1$ and $ q-1$). Put $ c = a + b + 2q $ . Then you will find that $ ab + 1 $ , $ bc + 1 $ and $ ca + 1 $ are all perfect squares.

Prove that this method always gives three perfect squares.

The numbers $ a_1, a_2, ... a_n $ are called a Diophantine n-tuple if $ a_ra_s + 1 $ is a perfect square whenever $ r \neq s $ . The whole subject started with Diophantus of Alexandria who found that the rational numbers 116, 3316, 6816, 10516

have this property. (You should check this for yourself). Fermat was the first person to find a Diophantine 4-tuple with whole numbers, namely $1$, $3$, $8$ and $120$. Even now no Diophantine 5-tuple with whole numbers is known.