Exponential trend
Find all the turning points of y=x^{1/x} for x>0 and decide
whether each is a maximum or minimum. Give a sketch of the graph.
Show that the turning points of $e^{f(x)}$ occur for the same values of $x$ as the turning points of $f(x)$.
Find all the turning points of $x^{1/x}$ for $x> 0$ and decide whether each is a maximum or minimum. Give a sketch of the graph of $y = x^{1/x}$ for $x> 0$. Deduce from your sketch that
Now use the result from the problem
Discrete Trends to find this limit.
Show that
by substituting $t=1/x$. Hence find the largest value of $c$
such that the line $y=c$ lies under the graph of $y=x^{1/x}$.
Getting Started
In order to differentiate this function and to find the turning points express it in the form $x^{1/x} = e^{1/x \log x}.$
Student Solutions
Well done Curt from Reigate College for this solution.
If $G(x)=e^{f(x)}$, by the chain rule:
As $e$ is never zero, the gradient function of $G(x)$ is zero when the gradient function of $f(x)$ is zero and it always has the same sign as $f'(x)$ so $G(x)$ and $f(x)$ have the same turning points.
To answer the question of turning points of $G(x)=x^{1\over x}= e^{1/x\log x}$ let's first find the derivative of ${1\over x}\log x$.
The derivative is positive for $\log x < 1$, that is $x< e$, it is is zero when $\log x = 1$, $x = e$ and it is negative for $x> e$. Hence the function is increasing for $x< e$ and decreasing for $x> e$.
At $x=e$ the second derivative of $f(x)$ is $-1/e^3$ which is negative so $f(x)$ has a maximum and so $G(x)$ has a maximum. Therefore $(e, e^{1/e})$ is a maximum point of $G(x)=x^{1\over x}$.
To prove $\lim x^{1\over x} \rightarrow 1$ as $x\rightarrow \infty$ we may use the similar result for the discrete case $n^{1\over n}$. As the graph of $f(x)=x^{1\over x}$ is decreasing as $x\to \infty$ for each value of $x$ there is a value of $n$ for which $n^{1/n}< x^{1/x}$ and vice versa so both tend to the same limit which is $1$.
What if $x\rightarrow 0$? Well, as suggested in the question, letting $1/x=t$ in $x^{1\over x}$, one can note that as $x\rightarrow 0$, $t\rightarrow \infty$. Writing $t=1/x$,
Hence the graph of $y=x^{1/x}$ is always above the line $y=0$ although the function is undefined at $x=0$.
Teachers' Resources
The function is undefined for $x=0$ but we need to find the limiting value as $x \to 0$ to answer the question.