Robot monsters

Use these head, body and leg pieces to make Robot Monsters which are different heights.

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Robot Monsters printable sheet

Robot monsters need three different parts. They need a head, a body and legs.

Robot Monsters

Using some of these robot parts, make a robot monster!

You might like to print off and cut out the parts from the printable sheet at the top of this page. Alternatively (or as well), you could use the interactivity at the bottom of this page to try out your ideas.

The numbers show how tall the parts are in centimetres. How tall is your robot monster?

How tall is the tallest robot monster you can make?

What about the shortest robot monster?

What other heights could your robot monster be?

Can you find all the possible heights of a robot monster? How do you know you have found them all?