Hidden meaning

What is the missing symbol?
Now decode this in a similar way:

Getting Started
For the first code, try looking just at the right hand side of each image.
In the second part, the instructions give the answer away.
Student Solutions
This problem foxed some of you at first, but not for long! Elliot and Richard from Moorfield Junior School explain:
The lines down the middle of the symbols are mirror lines.
The right half of the symbol is a number or letter.
They sent us a picture of the missing symbol which they say is the number 6:
Ben from Emmanuel School and Emily who goes to Riccarton High School in
New Zealand, also wrote clear explanations for deciphering the code. All
three of these solutions agreed that the message said "Decode this".
Very well done.
Teachers' Resources
A more imaginative way to investigate mirror symmetry.
Pupils could invent similar codes themselves.