Rots and refs

Follow hints using a little coordinate geometry, plane geometry and trig to see how matrices are used to work on transformations of the plane.
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative



The point $P$ has coordinates $(r\cos \phi, r\sin \phi)$ where the distance of $P$ from the origin is $OP=r$ and the line $OP$ is at angle $\phi$ to the x axis. Find the image of this point under the transformation given by the matrix


$\mathbf{T_1}=\left( cosθsinθsinθcosθ \right)$

Draw a diagram and describe the effect of this transformation on the points of the plane.

The point $P$ has coordinates $(p,q)$ and the point $P'$ is the reflection of $P$ in the line $y = x\tan\theta$. In the diagram below the lines $P'X'$ and $XA'$ are perpendicular to the line $OA'X'$. "

Rots and Refs

Prove that $OX = OX' = p$, $P'X' = PX = q$ and $OA = OA' = p\cos 2\theta.$ Find the lengths $BP',\ AX'$ and $BX'$ and hence prove that transformation given by the matrix

$\mathbf{T_2}=\left( cos2θsin2θsin2θcos2θ \right)$

gives a reflection in the line $y=\tan\theta$.