What can you discover by simply folding and cutting paper?
The Geometry Journeys pathway on wild.maths.org introduces students to the wonderful world of paper folding. We hope it will deepen students' understanding of geometry and encourage them to be curious about what they see.
The collection of related NRICH tasks below are ideal for teachers who want to promote creativity in the classroom. They are designed for classroom use, with accompanying Teachers' Notes and Resources.
The Geometry Journeys pathway on wild.maths.org introduces students to the wonderful world of paper folding. We hope it will deepen students' understanding of geometry and encourage them to be curious about what they see.
The collection of related NRICH tasks below are ideal for teachers who want to promote creativity in the classroom. They are designed for classroom use, with accompanying Teachers' Notes and Resources.

Purposeful paper folding
In this article for primary teachers, Fran describes her passion for paper folding as a springboard for mathematics.

Paper partners
Can you describe a piece of paper clearly enough for your partner to know which piece it is?

Paper patchwork 1
Can you work out what shape is made when this piece of paper is folded up using the crease pattern shown?

Paper patchwork 2
Have a go at making a few of these shapes from paper in different sizes. What patterns can you create?

Folding flowers 1
Can you visualise what shape this piece of paper will make when it is folded?

Folding flowers 2
Make a flower design using the same shape made out of different sizes of paper.

Regular rings 1
Can you work out what shape is made by folding in this way? Why not create some patterns using this shape but in different sizes?