Cube pile
Rick has five cubes, each one 2cm taller than the previous one. The largest is the same height as a tower built of the two smallest. How high would a tower of all five cubes be?
Rick has five cubes. Each one is 2cm taller than the previous one.
The largest cube is the same height as a tower built of the two smallest cubes.
How high would a tower of all five cubes be?
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Student Solutions
Answer: 50 cm
Smallest cube: $h$ cm
Other cubes: $h+2$, $h+4$, $h+6$ and $h+8$ cm
Largest as tall as two smallest: $h+\underbrace{h+2}_8=h+8\
Height of tower: $6+8+10+12+14 = 20 + 20 + 10 = 50$ cm