Filling Morecambe Bay
"It would take 20 million years to fill Morecambe Bay from a bath tap". What does this imply is the approximate capacity of Morecambe Bay?
A notice on Morecambe Promenade reads: "It would take $20$ million years to fill Morecambe Bay from a bath tap." Assuming that the flow from a bath tap is $6$ litres per minute, what is the approximate capacity of Morecambe Bay, in litres?
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Student Solutions
Answer: About $60,000,000,000,000$ litres
$6$ litres per minute
$6\times60$ per hour
$6\times60\times24$ per day
$6\times60\times24\times365.25$ per year
$6\times60\times24\times365.25\times20,000,000$ total
This can be approximated by: