The three aims of the National Curriculum for Mathematics in England (DfE, 2013) focus on problem solving, reasoning and fluency.
NRICH has a feature (a collection of articles and rich tasks) which addresses each of these aims:
NRICH has a feature (a collection of articles and rich tasks) which addresses each of these aims:

Problem solving
This feature details how NRICH can help you embed a problem-solving approach in your classroom.

Number fluency
This feature brings together tasks which help to develop learners' fluency in the context of number and calculation.

This feature draws together tasks which give learners opportunities to reason for different purposes.
In addition to the features above, take a look at our Primary Curriculum page, where you can find:
- curriculum mapping documents, which link NRICH tasks to curriculum objectives;
- an overview of all our features, which gather together articles and tasks around a particular theme;
- collections of tasks linked to curriculum topics.