Second order differential equations
In many real life modelling situations, a differential equation for a variable of interest won't just depend on the first derivative, but on higher ones as well. Naturally then, higher order differential equations arise in STEP and other advanced mathematics examinations. For anything more than a second derivative, the question will almost certainly be guiding you through some particular trick very specific to the problem at hand. For second order differential equations though, you need to know how to tackle them in general. Fortunately, the technique involved is straightforward, and this article guides you through all you need to know, with a helpful example as well!
Homogeneous Second Order Differential Equations
The first major type of second order differential equations you'll have to learn to solve are ones that can be written for our dependent variable
Now our approach to solving an equation of the above type is a simple one: we guess a solution. Of course, its an educated guess, there's a lot of maths behind why we make the guess we do, but essentially it boils down to attempting a solution of the form
and we can therefore substitute into our differential equation to find:
Now because
This equation, which in future you can jump to straight away, is usually called the Auxiliary Equation.
But we know how to solve quadratics! This means we can find the
But what happens if
Additionally, it's important to realise that our
So these three formula we've ended up with are all we actually need to remember! For any homogeneous second order differential equation with constant coefficients, we simply jump to the auxiliary equation, find our (\lambda\), write down the implied solution for
Inhomogeneous Second Order Differential Equations
One extension to the above that we must tackle is the case when the RHS in our DE is non-zero, i.e. when we have:
Fortunately, the approach is again a simple one. Now, it is common to write our general solution for
This may look like we've made things infinitely more complicated, but we actually haven't. Now it should be clear that
In order to find the constants present in
To put this all in to context, let's work through a particularly complex case ourselves. We wish to solve:
Now, firstly let's find
Therefore, we have:
Now, since the right hand side is a polynomial we must try:
Notice that even though there is no $t$ term in our RHS we must still include it in our guess for $y_p$; this is true in general for polynomial $f$. So this implies that:
Substituting into our differential equation for
Now, equating coefficients of
Finally, equating coefficients of
Putting all this together, we have our general solution for
Now you've seen almost everything you possibly could need to to prep yourself for starting to attempt a few STEP and other advanced mathematics examinations differential equation questions yourself.