Break it up!
In how many different ways can you break up a stick of seven interlocking cubes? Now try with a stick of eight cubes and a stick of six cubes. What do you notice?

I've made some cubes and some cubes with holes in. This challenge invites you to explore the difference in the number of small cubes I've used. Can you see any patterns?

Triple cubes
This challenge involves eight three-cube models made from interlocking cubes. Investigate different ways of putting the models together then compare your constructions.

Two on five

The third dimension
Here are four cubes joined together. How many other arrangements of four cubes can you find? Can you draw them on dotty paper?

Building blocks

Painted faces

The big cheese
Investigate the area of 'slices' cut off this cube of cheese. What would happen if you had different-sized block of cheese to start with?

Castles in the middle

Green cube, yellow cube

Creating cubes

Cube drilling

Wag worms

Cubes within cubes
We start with one yellow cube and build around it to make a 3x3x3 cube with red cubes. Then we build around that red cube with blue cubes and so on. How many cubes of each colour have we used?