Distance match

Can you match these pairs of distances, one in miles and one in kilometres?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


When we travel around, we often need to know how away different places are. In Austria you might see signs like this one:

Distance Match

And this stone marker in Wales shows the distances to Bridgend, Pyle and London in miles:

Distance Match

Here are some distances between cities in kilometres:

530.9, 655.2, 654.4, 540.1, 851.6 and 681.3

Here are the same distances in miles - but not in the same order:

423.3, 529.2, 335.6, 407.1, 329.9 and 406.6

Your first challenge is to match up pairs of distances (one in kilometres, one in miles) that are equal.

Your second challenge is to match the journeys above to the distance between each of these pairs of cities:

Rome to Milan

Geneva to Paris

London to Edinburgh

Milan to Paris

Berlin to Amsterdam

Monaco to Rome