Once you have had a go at the activities in our Fractions feature, why not try these which will help you explore further?

Fractional triangles
Use the lines on this figure to show how the square can be divided into 2 halves, 3 thirds, 6 sixths and 9 ninths.

Bryony's triangle
Watch the video to see how to fold a square of paper to create a flower. What fraction of the piece of paper is the small triangle?

Matching fractions
Can you find different ways of showing the same fraction? Try this matching game and see.

Andy's marbles
Andy had a big bag of marbles but unfortunately the bottom of it split and all the marbles spilled out. Use the information to find out how many there were in the bag originally.

Fractions made faster
Use the fraction wall to compare the size of these fractions -
you'll be amazed how it helps!

Fraction fascination
This problem challenges you to work out what fraction of the whole area of these pictures is taken up by various shapes.