Tricky customer
Charlie doesn't want his new house number to be divisible by 3 or 5. How many choices of house does he have?
Charlie wants to buy a new house but he doesn't like house numbers that are divisible by $3$ or by $5$.
If all the houses numbered between $100$ and $150$ inclusive are for sale, how many houses can he choose from?
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Student Solutions
Answer: 27
Listing the mutliples
Multiples of 3: (99), 102, 105, ... , 150
Position relative to 99:(99), 99 + 1$\times$3, 99 + 2$\times$3, ..., 99 + 51 = 99 + 17$\times$3
Count: 1, 2, ... , 17
Multiples of 5: 100, 105, 110, ... , 150
Position relative to 100: 100, 100 + 1$\times$5, 100 + 2$\times$5, ... , 100 + 10$\times$5
Count: 1, 2, ... , 10
17 + 11 = 28 numbers not allowed
But some numbers (like 105 and 150) are in both lists! They are multiples of 3 and 5 ie multiples of 15
105, 120, 135, 150 are counted twice
28$-$4 = 24 numbers not allowed
Out of 51 houses altogether
51$-$24 = 27 houses allowed.
Counting the multiples
There are $51$ houses numbered from $100$ to $150$ inclusive. Of these, $17$ are multiples of $3$, eleven are multiples of $5$ and four are multiples of both $3$ and $5$. So the number of houses Charlie can choose from is