eyfs_activity Two Halves Age 3 to 5 This task provides children with the opportunity to investigate halving different shapes and check that they have made two halves.
eyfs_activity Tidying Age 3 to 5 When tidying away toys in this activity, children will use their counting skills to check that all the toys are in the box.
eyfs_activity The Box Game Age 3 to 5 In this game, children will use their addition and subtraction skills to keep track of the number of toys hidden inside a box when toys are added in or taken out.
eyfs_activity Shopping - Pirate Poundland Age 3 to 5 In the pirate pound shop, children can practise their counting skills by choosing ten items to spend their ten pounds on.
eyfs_activity Paths Age 3 to 5 By making 'paths' out of different materials and discussing these, children will develop their shape and space language in this activity.
eyfs_activity Number Rhymes Age 3 to 5 In this activity, the rhyme 'Ten Green Bottles' is used to encourage children to count backwards to work out how many bottles are left.