Curvy areas poster
This poster is based on the problem Curvy Areas.
The poster is available as a PDF, or the image below can be clicked on to enlarge it.
Student Solutions
3 pieces: each piece is $\frac13$ of the total area
4 pieces: each piece is $\frac14$ of the total area
5 pieces: each piece is $\frac15$ of the total area
$m$ pieces: each piece is $\frac1m$ of the total area
Red, orange and yellow
The top half is made of 3 semicircles on top of each other:
Say the smallest semicircle has radius 1, the medium semicircle has radius 2 and the largest has radius 3
Smallest semicircle has area $\frac12\pi\times1^2 = \frac{\pi}2$
Medium semicircle has area $\frac12\pi\times2^2 = 2\pi$
Largest semicircle has area $\frac12\pi\times3^2 = \frac{9\pi}2$
Whole circle has area $9\pi$
Red area: smallest + (largest $-$ medium) $=\frac{\pi}2 + \frac{9\pi}2 - 2\pi = 3\pi$ which is $\frac13$ of $9\pi$
Yellow area is equal to red area so the orange area must also be $\frac13$ of the total.
Red, orange, yellow and green
Include also extra large semicircle (XL), area $\frac12\pi\times4^2 = 8\pi$
Whole circle has area $16\pi$
Red area: smallest + (XL $-$ large) $= \frac{\pi}2 + 8\pi - \frac{9\pi}2 = 4\pi$ which is $\frac14$ of $16\pi$
Orange area: (medium $-$ smallest) + (large $-$ medium) $=$ large $-$ smallest $= \frac{9\pi}2 - \frac{\pi}2 = 4\pi$
So each piece is $\frac14$ of the total area.
Red, orange, yellow, green and blue
XXL semicircle area $\frac12\pi\times5^2 = \frac{25\pi}2$
Whole circle has area $25\pi$
Red area: smallest + (XXL $-$ XL) $=\frac{\pi}2 + \frac{25\pi}2 - 8\pi = 5\pi$ which is $\frac15$ of the total area
Orange area: (medium $-$ smallest) + (XL - large) $= 2\pi - \frac{\pi}2 + 8\pi - \frac{9\pi}2 = 5\pi,$ also $\frac15$ of the total area
Yellow area: (large $-$ medium)$\times2 = \left(\frac{9\pi}2 - 2\pi\right)\times2 = 5\pi$
So each piece is $\frac15$ of the total area.
$m$ pieces
Largest piece has area $\frac{m^2\pi}2$ and whole circle has area $m^2\pi$
'Red' piece:
'Orange' piece:
General piece:
$\left(\frac{(r+1)^2\pi}2 - \frac{r^2\pi}2\right) + \left(\frac{(m-r)^2\pi}2 - \frac{(m-(r+1))^2\pi}2\right) \
$\therefore$ all of the pieces have the same area, $\frac1m$ of the total.