
Primary Live problems and recent solutions

Each time you visit the NRICH site there are usually some activities which are 'live'. This means we are inviting students to send us solutions, and we will publish a selection of them, along with each student's name and their school, a few weeks later. If you'd like to know more about what we're looking for, read this short article.

Over the summer break, instead of live problems, we are offering a selection of Maths at Home challenges, which are ideal for working on with friends or relatives. We hope you enjoy thinking mathematically at home.

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Take a look at these recently solved problems.

Doubling Fives

Doubling Fives

5 to 7
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
This activity focuses on doubling multiples of five.
Square split into a triangle and trapezium

Tangram Tangle

5 to 7
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star

If you split the square into these two pieces, it is possible to fit the pieces together again to make a new shape. How many new shapes can you make?

Got It

Got It

7 to 14
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
A game for two people, or play online. Given a target number, say 23, and a range of numbers to choose from, say 1-4, players take it in turns to add to the running total to hit their target.
Button-Up Some More

Button-Up Some More

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
How many ways can you find to do up all four buttons on my coat? How about if I had five buttons? Six ...?
Domino Magic Rectangle

Domino Magic Rectangle

An ordinary set of dominoes can be laid out as a 7 by 4 magic rectangle in which all the spots in all the columns add to 24, while those in the rows add to 42. Try it! Now try the magic square...
Two and Two

Two and Two

7 to 16
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star
How many solutions can you find to this sum? Each of the different letters stands for a different number.