
Playing with 2D shape

Cutting Corners

Cutting corners

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Can you make the most extraordinary, the most amazing, the most unusual patterns/designs from these triangles which are made in a special way?
Egyptian Rope

Egyptian rope

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star

The ancient Egyptians were said to make right-angled triangles using a rope with twelve equal sections divided by knots. What other triangles could you make if you had a rope like this?

Overlapping Again

Overlapping again

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
What shape is the overlap when you slide one of these shapes half way across another? Can you picture it in your head? Use the interactivity to check your visualisation.


7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star

How many DIFFERENT quadrilaterals can be made by joining the dots on the 8-point circle?

Triangle Pin-Down

Triangle pin-down

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star
Use the interactivity to investigate what kinds of triangles can be drawn on peg boards with different numbers of pegs.
What is your favourite 2D shape? How would you describe it? Play around with some of our favourite activities here ...

Sorting logic blocks

This activity focuses on similarities and differences between shapes.

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative



Sorting Logic Blocks

For this task, you'll need some blocks of different shapes and colours, or you could print off and cut out the shapes on this sheet.

Choose a rule, like 'only have four-sided shapes' or 'only have large shapes'.

Challenge someone else to work out your rule.

They can do this by choosing a shape for you to say either "Yes, that obeys my rule and is in my set" (you then put it over on the left) or "No, this does not obey my rule and so is not in my set" (you then put it over on the right).

How did they decide which shapes to choose?

Did they get quicker at finding out the rule?

What was the smallest number of shapes they needed to try?

Could you make some more shapes to add to the set? What would you make and why?

Tell us about some of the rules you chose and how you decided which shapes to try.

Transformations on a pegboard

How would you move the bands on the pegboard to alter these shapes?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Someone using an elastic band and a pegboard used four pegs to make the blue square you see below. They challenged another person to double the area by just moving two of the pegs. You can see what they did here.

Transformations on a Pegboard

Have a go at these:

Can you make this into a right-angled triangle by moving just one peg?

Transformations on a Pegboard

Can you enlarge this to the same shape with all the sides twice the length, moving just two pegs?

Transformations on a Pegboard

You could use our interactive geoboard below to try out your ideas. 

Choose the size of your pegboard then select the line tool and click on two dots to draw a line between them. 

You could set up some similar challenges for your friends, or have a go at More Transformations on a Pegboard.


Stringy quads

This practical problem challenges you to make quadrilaterals with a loop of string. You'll need some friends to help!

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


You will need a loop of string for this activity and three other friends.


Stringy Quads



Stretch the string out so that each of you is holding a corner to make a quadrilateral.


Try to make one which has exactly one line of symmetry.

Is it possible?

How could you convince someone else that your shape has just one line of symmetry?

Can you make any other quadrilaterals with just one line of symmetry?

Try again, but this time answer the same questions for a quadrilateral with exactly two lines of symmetry.

Try again, but this time answer the same questions for a quadrilateral with exactly three lines of symmetry.

Try again, but this time answer the same questions for a quadrilateral with exactly four lines of symmetry.


Stick images

This task requires learners to explain and help others, asking and answering questions.

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


You need to be in a team of four for this task.  The idea is to complete the challenge yourself but with support and advice from other members of your team.

A nearby adult can assess how well the team is good at:


  •     helping others to do things for themselves
  •     responding to the needs of others - everybody helps everybody
  •     explaining by telling how.


Stick images

As you see above, you need to arrange the desks and some props so that everyone can see everyone else but no one can see what anyone else is building. One possibility is for the designer to face the other three team members and make the design inside a box whilst team members try to recreate the design behind books or folders used as screens.

Choose someone in the group to be the designer.


You will need four sets of lolly sticks (or similar) - up to ten in each set. Give one set of lolly sticks to the designer and one set to each of the other team members.



The designer creates a lolly stick design so that it is hidden from the rest of the team but as they make the design, they explain what it looks like so that the rest of the team can make a copy of the same design.


Team members can ask questions about the design at any time and the designer answers in as helpful a way as possible.


When a team member thinks they have a completed design, they ask the designer to check. If it is right they can then aid the designer in answering questions. If it is not correct, the task continues.


Remember that all help has to be given without the designer seeing the design of the person asking the question.



At any point the task can be brought to an end to discuss the success of the questioning and answering, and how it helped or hindered completion of the task.