This collection is one of our Primary Curriculum collections - tasks that are grouped by topic.
Snail one hundred
In this game, you throw a dice and move counters along the snail's body and in a spiral around the snail's shell. It is about understanding tens and ones.
Two-digit targets
You have a set of the digits from 0 to 9. Can you arrange these in the five boxes to make two-digit numbers as close to the targets as possible?
Digit addition
Try out this number trick. What happens with different starting numbers? What do you notice?
I like ...
Largest even
6 beads
If you put three beads onto a tens/ones abacus you can make the numbers 3, 30, 12 or 21. What numbers can be made with six beads?
Light the lights
Investigate which numbers make these lights come on. What is the smallest number you can find that lights up all the lights?
You may also be interested in this collection of activities from the STEM Learning website, that complement the NRICH activities above.