
Number and Calculation

These articles will support primary teachers as you develop children's understanding of number and calculation.

To see all the articles we publish for primary teachers, please see our CPD Articles for the Classroom.
Getting the balance right

Getting the balance right

In this article for primary teachers, Ems shares some common misconceptions surrounding the equals sign, and suggests ways to help learners develop their understanding.
Models in mind

Models in mind

This article looks at how models support mathematical thinking about numbers and the number system
Early Number Sense

Early number sense

This article explores the basic foundations of number sense and outlines relevant research in this area.
The Value of Two

The value of two

Ruth Trundley outlines her doctoral research and concludes that development of an understanding of cardinality is a crucial element of counting that can be overlooked.
Developing Number Through Tidying Up

Developing number through tidying up

This article describes how one nursery setting focused on tidying up time as a context in which to explicitly target the development of number and calculation skills.


In this article for EY practitioners, Dr Sue Gifford outlines what we mean by subitising and how we can teach it.

Playing with factors and multiples

Playing with factors and multiples

This article for primary teachers outlines why developing an intuitive 'feel' for numbers matters, and how our activities focusing on factors and multiples can help.
Numbers Numbers Everywhere!

Numbers numbers everywhere!

Bernard Bagnall recommends some primary school problems which use numbers from the environment around us, from clocks to house numbers.
Pattern Sniffing

Pattern sniffing

This article for primary teachers outlines how we can encourage children to create, identify, extend and explain number patterns and why being able to do so is useful.
What's X got to do with it?

What's x got to do with it?

By following through the threads of algebraic thinking discussed in this article, we can ensure that children's mathematical experiences follow a continuous progression.
Let's Get Flexible!

Let's get flexible!

In this article for primary teachers, Ems outlines how we can encourage learners to be flexible in their approach to calculation, and why this is crucial.
Digital Roots

Digital roots

In this article for teachers, Bernard Bagnall describes how to find digital roots and suggests that they can be worth exploring when confronted by a sequence of numbers.