Making Maths: Birds from an egg

Can you make the birds from the egg tangram?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative

Making Maths: Birds from an egg

This egg is rather hard to draw so here is a version you can print out. Cut out the pieces and try making the birds shown below and also found here. There are lots more birds to make, so invent your own!

When you have finished, can you put the egg back together again without looking at this image?

Making Maths: Birds from an egg
Making Maths: Birds from an egg
Making Maths: Birds from an egg
Making Maths: Birds from an egg
Making Maths: Birds from an egg
Making Maths: Birds from an egg


Printable NRICH Roadshow resources: Instructions and Tangrams 1 and 2.