Logo challenge - the logic of logo
Just four procedures were used to produce a design. How was it
done? Can you be systematic and elegant so that someone can follow
your logic?
Just four procedures were systematically used to produce the design below.
How would you set about the task of deciding what to do? Can you use fewer procedures? How would you replicate this design?
How systematic were you in your endeavours?
You can download some excellent free LOGO software from the internet at http://fmslogo.sourceforge.net/.
Student Solutions
We do not offer LOGO programs as solutions because there are so
many ways to tackle the challenges. You will know if you have the
correct solution because you will be able to create the pattern in
the picture
Teachers' Resources
One way to start:
What are the basic elements of the design?
Can you make each of these?
How is the design built up from these elements?
Can you put the elements together in a meaningful way? Are there some intermediate steps?
I don't think that a single chunk of code that no one can understand is elegant or helpful.
Perhaps you should not go for minimising the number of procedures but rather making clear what you have done to an audience.