Have you been inspired by the Roadshow activities?
Want to become a more curious, resourceful, resilient and collaborative mathematician?
We've collected together some of our favourite problems to help you along the way.
Being curious - Secondary students
Here are some problems that we hope will appeal to curious and inquisitive students. Take a look, we think you'll get hooked on them!
Being resilient - Secondary students
Here are some problems that require you to be resilient. We hope you'll stick with them and feel a sense of achievement at the end!
Being resourceful - Secondary students
Here are some problems that require careful consideration. Immerse yourself in them - we think they are worth the effort!
Being collaborative - secondary students
Here are some problems that are ideal for working on with others. Find a friend, share ideas, and see if two heads really are better than one!
If you've enjoyed working on these problems, you may like to take a look at Wild Maths, where you'll be encouraged to be a creative mathematician.