Integrating rich tasks - Activity 4.3
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Assessing your embedding of rich tasks into the curriculum: Thinking about what to do next
Build on your experiences, adding in new material and trying it out. Using the mapping documents can ensure a range of experiences for your pupils. It is not enough to employ a concept or process once, you will need to revisit these again and again, each time thinking about how the pupils will develop. For example, when considering problem-solving skills, pupils will develop in different ways, such as:- Becoming more independent with you having to do less supporting in order for them to think of ideas of their own.
- Applying more sophisticated content knowledge
- Being more equipped to talk about their mathematics
- More able to apply what they know in less familiar settings
- Better able to make connections with things they have done before
- Showing greater sophistication and organisation in their recording methods.
How does your scheme of work allow this to happen?
The important thing to do is:
Reflect - evaluate - modify if necessary
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