Counter roundup
This is a game for two players.
The Goal:
To round up as many of the counters as possible.
Materials needed:
- 32 coloured counters
- A printed copy of the game board
How to play: (2 player)
- Use coloured counters to cover all of the circles on the game board except for the one in the centre.
- Decide who will go first.
- Take turns in jumping over one counter a time and into an empty space.
- You must follow the lines that are on the board.
- Round up the counters that you jump over.
- You can continue jumping over counters as long as there is an empty space for you to land on.
- The game ends when all of the counters are rounded up or when no more moves are possible.
- The person who has rounded up the most counters is the winner.
Printable NRICH Roadshow resource.