The books in this list can be used across the Primary years to explore different aspects of measurement. You can see other collections of books, including the full list of books recommended by the NRICH team, on our Bookcase Maths page.

Dear Zoo

Cook It!

Five Minutes' Peace
Mrs Large the elephant wants five minutes' peace away from her three children... but they keep interrupting her!

The Bad-Tempered Ladybird
The bad-tempered ladybird tries to fight bigger and bigger animals throughout the day - but will it win a fight against the biggest animal of all?

Balancing Act
This book builds on children's experience of seesaws and balancing. Join the two mice who make a seesaw (or teeter totter) and see what happens as their friends hop on too.


Biscuit Bear

Katie Morag and the Birthdays
In January there is a special day on the Isle of Struay - it is Flora Ann McColl's first birthday. Katie Morag is very excited, but she can't help asking, "When will it be MY birthday?" Follow the story through the different months of the year to find out when Katie Morag's birthday is.