These tasks all have one thing in common - they focus on geometry. But what exactly do we mean by 'geometry'? Well, it might be knowing about different kinds of shapes and being able to describe them; it could be about sorting shapes. Geometry also involves understanding turning (or angles) and pattern.
We hope you enjoy having a go at these tasks, which will make use of your problem-solving skills as well as your geometrical skills!
We hope you enjoy having a go at these tasks, which will make use of your problem-solving skills as well as your geometrical skills!

Turning man
Use the interactivity to find out how many quarter turns the man must rotate through to look like each of the pictures.

Repeating patterns
Try continuing these patterns made from triangles. Can you create your own repeating pattern?

Jig shapes
Can you each work out what shape you have part of on your card? What will the rest of it look like?

Shape, position and movement ( geometry)
Have a go at these activities, which involve shapes and moving objects in different ways.