stemNRICH tasks provide guidance and suggestions for appropriate use in the teachers' notes to the tasks, including basic information for non-specialists where appropriate.
- Data collection in SET then analysis of the data in maths; possibly with a feedback into SET.
- Have a 'visiting expert' join the lesson for a short while - maybe the science teacher in the maths class, or the maths teacher in the DT class, etc.
- Create an equation/make a prediction/do a calculation for a physical process in a maths lesson and then test out the prediction by performing the experiment in science.
- Introduce a task in a SET lesson (to ensure the pupils all have the SET knowledge required), continuing to work on it in a maths lesson (using maths skills) and then complete it for a double homework - marked by both maths and SET teacher with their particular subject focus.
- Introduce a short, regular and scheduled 'discussion' or circle time in both maths and SET lessons (perhaps 10 minutes a fortnight). Give students a chance to comment on the SET that they have noted in maths and vice versa and also to ask teachers/other students of wider questions concerning the mathematics they have seen in SET or the SET that they have seen in maths.
- Set a half-termly cross-curricular review homework:
- Maths: Review SET books for mathematical content; make links with the mathematics that they have learnt during the term.
- SET: Review maths books and suggest SET links or connections with the material covered. Look for parts of maths which have the most common uses.
- Joint poster project: Choose a theme and work on the same poster in both a maths and SET lesson, where the focus is finding the maths/SET related to a big theme, such as global warming.
- Monthly poster competition: Display a large photo which has STEM content, with a mailbox for students to post suggestions about the STEM they see in the photo. Give a prize for the best entry.
- Use a STEM photo as a starter for students to think about while you're getting ready to start the lesson.
- Use snippets of problems/weekly challenges as starters when students enter room. Choose topic to give a flavour of the main theme of the day and plan for appropriate content in schemes of work.
- Include some cross-curricular display material in corridors and classrooms.
- Ask the student newspaper to interview members of science and maths departments to find out their 'STEM history' in terms of the STEM experience at university, hobbies or other jobs.
- Build on the clear links between 'investigation cycles' in science, 'design pentagon' in DT and 'data handling cycles' in maths.
- Use data loggers, light sensors, and other hands-on technology in maths.
- Show a picture of an experiment/activity as used in SET to act as stimulated recall in maths at the appropriate time.
- Have worthwhile end of term cross-curricular activities.
- Have AsSTEMblies - assemblies which focus on some aspect of STEM
- Form a STEM club or a maths club or both. Form links between these clubs and clubs from other schools. Use the resources on stemNRICH!