Article by
Jennifer Piggott
| Published

Integrating rich tasks - intro + full PDF link

This series of professional development resources is designed to support teachers working together, thinking about, and integrating rich tasks into classroom practice.

The resources are divided into four phases of development giving time for reflection and practice. They have been designed to be tackled in order but we are aware that colleagues will be starting from different places and may wish to step into and out of the activities according to their particular need.

Many of the resources point to supporting documentation offered in Word format, which are linked to the relevant activity.

If you prefer to work offline or away from the computer, the CPDComplete.pdf contains all the activities and supporting resources for you to download and/or print.

If you need advice or support with your development programme, members of the NRICH team are available to support you. To find out more, including costs, email


Phase 1 - Thinking about rich tasks, problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills


Activity 1.1

What makes a task rich? In this activity you will try out some problems and then identify what makes them "rich".

Activity 1.2

How can we encourage higher-order thinking skills?

Activity 1.3

What is meant by higher-order thinking skills (HOTS)?

Activity 1.4

How do higher-order thinking skills relate to rich tasks and problem solving?

Activity 1.5

How do pupils progress in their problem solving?


Phase 2 - Using rich tasks in the classroom


Activity 2.1

What do teachers do to support learners engaging with rich tasks?

Activity 2.2

'HOTting up' your existing classroom materials.


Phase 3 - Integrating rich tasks into the whole curriculum


Activity 3

Integrating rich tasks into the whole curriculum.


Phase 4 - Reflection and review


Activity 4.1

Peer observation

Activity 4.2

Evaluating a theme

Activity 4.3

Thinking about what to do next