Integrating rich tasks - activity 4.1
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Assessing your embedding of rich tasks into the curriculum: Peer observation
Having started to embed rich tasks into your scheme of work you will need to:- assess what works and what does not
- make decisions on how to extend your mapping
- consider what further support you might need
The best way to go about evaluating and reviewing a particular
lesson is to work with a colleague. However, what is suggested here
can be used as a means of self-reflection. Before the lesson you
will need to prepare:
- Your lesson plan
- A "what teachers do" sheet: WhatTeachersDoMaster.doc
ither use this opportunity to do some peer observation, with a
colleague using the prepared observation/reflection sheet, or
during and after the lesson use the sheet to jot down some notes of
your own.
Discuss or reflect on:
- what was successful
- what you would do differently next time
- what key things pupils did that could be highlighted or drawn out more in future
Use this to inform planning for next time.