Domino patterns

What patterns can you make with a set of dominoes?

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative



Assortment of dominoes

We love playing with dominoes! There are so many patterns you can make with the dots on them.

You could ask some questions:

  • How many dominoes are there where both ends are the same?
  • What different totals are there, if you add all the dots on a domino?
  • Using only dominoes with different totals, can you make a line of dominoes where the ends that touch always match?
  • Using a whole set of dominoes, what's the longest chain you can make where the ends that touch always match?

Once you've explored the dominoes, make some patterns with them on the table or floor. 

What ideas do you have? Email us with your ideas - you could describe your patterns in words or take pictures and send them to us. 

If you haven't got any dominoes you could print a set of your own from our resources page