Comparing continued fractions
Which of these continued fractions is bigger and why?
Suppose $0 < a < b$. Which of the following continued fractions is bigger and why?
Suppose the fractions are continued in the same way, then which is the bigger in the following pair and why?
or the same thing with b in place of a.
Now compare:
and the same thing with $b$ in place of $a$.
Getting Started
Start from the bottom. If you increase the denominator of a fraction do you reduce or increase the value of the fraction?
Student Solutions
Congratulations to Soh Yong Sheng from Raffles Institution,
Singapore for this excellent solution.
We have $0 < a < b$ which means $1/a > 1/b$ and so $3 + 1/a > 3 + 1/b$. Flipping over the fraction, we will get 1/(3 + 1/a) < 1/(3 + 1/b) and the inequality remains the same way round when 2 is added. Flipping over again for the last time we get is greater than
The second part is a further expansion of the first, and in the process of repeating the above we know that it involves just one more flipping over of the fraction, thus is less than
the same thing with $b$ in place of a as the inequality would be
reversed again.
Lastly the continued fractions are expanded all the way down to $100 + 1/a$ and $100 + 1/b$. Observe the above process, we can tell that if the last or biggest number is odd then the continued fraction with a in it is bigger. If the last or biggest number is even then the continued fraction with $b$ in it is bigger. Each successive continued fraction involves one more 'flipping over' and reverses the inequality one more time. The following continued fraction is smaller than the same thing with $b$ in place of $a$:
We have $0 < a < b$ which means $1/a > 1/b$ and so $3 + 1/a > 3 + 1/b$. Flipping over the fraction, we will get 1/(3 + 1/a) < 1/(3 + 1/b) and the inequality remains the same way round when 2 is added. Flipping over again for the last time we get
The second part is a further expansion of the first, and in the process of repeating the above we know that it involves just one more flipping over of the fraction, thus
Lastly the continued fractions are expanded all the way down to $100 + 1/a$ and $100 + 1/b$. Observe the above process, we can tell that if the last or biggest number is odd then the continued fraction with a in it is bigger. If the last or biggest number is even then the continued fraction with $b$ in it is bigger. Each successive continued fraction involves one more 'flipping over' and reverses the inequality one more time. The following continued fraction is smaller than the same thing with $b$ in place of $a$:
Teachers' Resources
Why do this problem?
For experience of working with inequalities and with fractions.
Possible approach
If they can't get started students can try numerical values for $a$ and $b$.
Key question
If you increase the denominator of a fraction do you reduce or increase the value of the fraction?
Possible support
Try the problem Not Continued Fractions
Possible extension
See the article Continued Fractions 1