Probable words
Imagine it is the first day of the school holidays.
You ask your mum or dad or friend or gran or ... whether you can go to play in the park today.
What sorts of things might they say in reply?
Can you pick out the words which tell you how likely is it that you will actually go to the park in each case?
Can you put these words in an order from 'never' at one end to 'yes' at the other?
We would love to see your line of words.
Getting Started
What might your mum/friend/dad say if they are not sure whether they will be able to take you to the park?
What might your mum/friend/dad say if they think they will be able to take you to the park today?
Student Solutions
Amit from Visakha Valley School in South East India wrote;
In the first day of school holidays, when I asked my mom to take me park today evening, then she said, "Why today? What is there in the park? Anything special?"
Then I said, "Mom today in the park there is an exhibition. It is very exciting."
Then she said, "But I have a lot of work to do at home. So let us plan tomorrow."
Then I said, "Please Mom I will help you in the work to finish it."
Then she laughed and said, "OK, you go and play now. Let us go in the evening."
When I asked my Dad to take me park today evening, then he said,"No, no it is the right time to learn extra activities. I will buy you a bicycle you practise at home. Let us go on any other day."
Then I said "Dad, in the park there is skating ring. So many children will do skating there. I also will learn it. Please take me to the park today. It also will be an extra activity to me, Dad."
Then my Dad laughed and said, "OK , I will take to you park in the evening. Get ready."
When I asked my friend to go to park, he said "No, no it is very boring in the park. All are trees and plants. What is there to see? I will not come with you to the park."
Then I said "Oh, dear friend! I think you have never seen a park. Actually there are so many fun things in a park. The air in the park in the evening is so pleasant and good for health. We are very much tired with our school work. So it will be relaxation for us."
Then he said, "Then it is OK. Let us go in the evening."
Here are the words that various youngsters suggested;
Henry from St. Peter's College
Alex from St. Peter's College
No-Over my dead body-When you've done your homework-Ask your grandpa-Unlikely-When your dad gets home-Maybe-Once I've finished my coffee-Definitely-Yes.
Clayton also from St. Peter's College
Never-No-Unlikely-Depends-Maybe-Possibly-Probably-Likely-Yes.Josh from The Hall
Never going to happen-Almost definitely can-Not likely-Possibly-Maybe-I'll think about it-You almost certainly can-You definitely can
Parnia from Servite R.C.School
Never-No-Probably Not-Let's see-Maybe-Probably-Yes-Anytime.Andrew from Melbourn Village College
Never-Probably not-I don't think so-I doubt it-Maybe-We'll see-Hopefully-Probably-Almost certainly-Yes.Six pupils from Burford wrote
Never-No way-Oh no-no-I don't know-We will see-Maybe-Perhaps-You might-Probably-Ok-Of course-You may-Oh yes-Yes you can-Sure-Definitely-Yes.Mila from Ricards Lodge HIgh School got the ideas sorted out along a line like this.

This was an interesting idea, well done Mila for thinking of this. From Lasswade Schoold in Scotland we had the following list of words in the Scots Language.
nae chance - dinnae think sae-nae likely-dinnae ken-A 'hink sae - Aw" richt then- AyeWell done all of you.
Maybe teachers looking at these may see some value in having similar discussions in various areas of Mathematics to find out what pupils see as the associated words they know. For example when working on temperature, "hot, OK, muggy, nice . . . . . ."