The sign of the times

Can you make sense of this relationship between function and derivative?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


This problem is good for 'simmering' in the background. If you can't make sense of it at first, try leaving it and coming back to it later.

My friend has sketched a non-constant curve $f(x)$ which passes through the origin. She knows that its derivative exists at all points. Is it possible that $f(x)$ could satisfy

f(x)×df(x)dx0 for all $x$?


I'll need a very clear explanation to convince me!


My other friend has sketched a curve whose derivative exists at all points, but his does not pass through the origin. Is it possible that the same condition might hold?

Did you know ... ?

Problems in calculus can often be considered from either an algebraic or geometric viewpoint and calculus is fundamental in the advanced study of geometry as well as areas of theoretical physics, such as string theory and relativity.