How many different ways can you find of fitting five hexagons together? How will you know you have found all the ways?
You've maybe come across a challenge of putting five squares together in different ways - often called pentominoes.
So here are five squares and four ways of putting them together - there are obviously more ways. (You could try the Penta Place problem if you haven't seen this before.)

Please send in all the different shapes you can get and let us know how you made sure you had found them all.
Perhaps you also have some ideas about how you may go further with the question "I wonder what would happen if I ...?"
Getting Started
You could cut out hexagons from this sheet or you may like to colour in your arrangements on this sheet of smaller shapes.
How will you check that all your shapes are different from each other?
How will you know you have found all the different shapes?
Student Solutions
Fergus and Nathan from Rutherglen Primary sent in all these. They are good. Once you've got these you can have a look to see if any are the same. I've circled in a reddish colour those that end up the same by simple turning. I've circled in a blue-ish/greenish colour those that if they were flipped over would be the same. I'm very pleased with the efforts these boys have put in.

Hannah from Herts and Essex High School sent in this really colourful solution. I have again taken this further and joined together with reddish circles those that - ignoring colour - would be the same through turning. I do think that colouring in makes them so different!

Four other pupils from Rutherglen Primary School: Hannah, Laura, Sarah and Aleisha, found out that hexpentas started off quite easy but at some stages it got a bit challenging. They sent in the following:

Kate from St. John Bosco Primary School sent in the following useful suggestion:
I agree that it is very good if pupils make their own versions of the challenges.
Well done to all those who sent in solutions. I hope you enjoyed the activity and maybe can take it further.
Teachers' Resources
Why do this problem?
Possible approach
Key questions
Possible extension
Possible support