You never get a six

Charlie thinks that a six comes up less often than the other numbers on the dice. Have a look at the results of the test his class did to see if he was right.

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative



It was raining and Tom, Vincent, Charlie and Edward had been playing a game with dice during break.

"You never get a six when you want one," grumbled Charlie, "I'm sure sixes come up less than the other numbers!"

You Never Get a Six

Miss Brown heard him.

"You can all try throwing dice and noting what you get," she said, "It fits in quite well with the work we are going to do next. Throw the dice and make a list of what you get. See if you get fewer sixes then."

"Sixes only come up less when it really matters," grumbled Charlie.

Miss Brown thought for a moment.

"I'll give a Team Point to the one who gets the most sixes," she said, "Mind you, no cheating!"

"Wow!" exclaimed Vincent.

The children all threw the dice the same number of times and made lists of their throws. Here is Edward's list for his throws:

You Never Get a Six

They decided to keep the colours they used to represent each number the same when they recorded their work so they could compare them easily.

Here is the graph Edward made from his figures:

You Never Get a Six

Here is Charlie's unfinished graph (he hasn't labelled anything yet):

You Never Get a Six

Here is Tom's unfinished graph:

You Never Get a Six

Here is Vincent's unfinished pie-chart:

You Never Get a Six

Who won the Team Point for the most sixes?

How many 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 6s were thrown altogether?

What percentage (how many out of 100) of the throws were sixes?