LOGO challenge 2 - diamonds are forever

The challenge is to produce elegant solutions. Elegance here implies simplicity. The focus is on rhombi, in particular those formed by jointing two equilateral triangles along an edge.

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative



It is useful to feel comfortable using procedures, though if you have not met procedures before- this might help you feel why they might be useful. More about procedures can be found in FIRST FORWARD 6 and in the next challenges.

The challenge is to produce elegant solutions to the problem. Elegance here implies simplicity. The focus is on rhombi. Or:

REPEAT 2 [ FD 40 RT 60 FD 40 RT 120]

The design below is part of tile seen in a shop - sadly now closed, at King's Cross in London. Can you generate it in as elegant a fashion as possible?

LOGO Challenge 2 - Diamonds are forever

You can download some excellent free LOGO software from the internet at http://fmslogo.sourceforge.net/.